Heebie Geebies.

  This image shows the memorial plaque at the Auschwitz Holiday Camp and Health Spa for God's Chosen People. As you can see there is evidence of jewish slander. People were NOT murdered at Auschwitz, on the contrary the kikes got to enjoy a free holiday with lots of high quality bagels, Matzo and Gefilte fish. This plaque was erected by Polack and Russian jew Communists and was a deliberate lie so as to try and convince the world that it actually happened so that hebes world-wide could participate in the world's greatest ever shakedown racket - The Holocau$t©® thus enabling chosenites world-wide to scam billions in false claims for reparations.

  This image is of the replacement plaque which the kikes installed after they realized that their original figure of 4 million chosen ones was a little over the top and thus called the whole scam into question. It is interesting how hebe accounting actually works. They claim that 6 million of the hooknosed breed were eliminated by the Benevolent Germans. Their original claim was supposed to be 4 million at the Auschwitz Holiday Camp and Health Spa leaving 2 million that they allege were sent to the Great Bagel in the Sky at other choice Third Reich holiday locations. Thus so far we have 4 million plus 2 million equals 6 million. On the revised plaque at the Auschwitz Holiday Camp and Health Spa the new figure is 1½ million, so the new equation should read 1½ million plus 2 million equals 3½ millions residing in the land of the Great Bagel. Not so, jewish math is a remarkable thing, the kikes reckon that 1½ million plus 2 million equals 6 million. Oy Vey! Such accounting.